Saturday, March 28, 2009


WOW, the thermometer in the sun said 80 degrees, Beautiful day, sunny, warm in the sun, no breeze. We were up early and it was off to Croghan and the Maple Museum for Breakfast,, on the way we spotted a large flock of "Snow Geese" way off in the meadow....and "Deer" in the meadows, snow is going fast.

We got to Croghan about 8AM and got in line for Breakfast, it took about a half an hour and we were sat at a table with other people, friendship's were made fast and furious, and out came the ladies from the kitchen where the men were cooking huge griddles full of food and we were served Maple Flavored Coffee, Orange Juice, Fresh Milk, and then came huge platters of piping hot, steamy, golden brown, fluffy, light "Pancakes" and large bowls of steaming, lightly browned "Smoked Sausage" which were enjoyed once, then another plate full and then another platefull and we both had our fill!!!! I didn't think 3 plate fulls were too bad, the Old guy next too me made it thru 5 plates, what a "FEAST"!!!!!!!

We then took a nice drive to settle our bellies, the snow is going and there were plenty of large ICE CHUNKS" hanging off the rock cuts beside the road, some of the ice is up to 2 feet thick!!

and in other places its 4 FEET THICK!!!!

The "Spring Thaw" is not bad this year and the rivers and streams are not that bad, this is the Croghan Island Lumber Mill and Old Dam which was a beautiful sight to see as spring arrives!!

This is the "Oswegatchie River and its not running too bad!!

It's nice to walk around the complex and see the snow going, hopefully the dirty looking old stuff willl go faster tonight as it rains!!

We got home and it is nice to see bare ground and the receeding "Ice and Snow Packs" leaving!!!!!

Hopefully the Daffodils will start to pop thru the ground and we can get the Bar B Q grills out SOON!

Lets not forget to remember those serving and those who have served us in our Military!


Happy Being Me said...

I know what I'm a fixin for Sunday a Church goin kinda breakfast ~ Minus the snow.

Enjoy your Sunday and the days that follow, my friend. Take care of you and yours always ~ Amen and God Bless our Troops!

garnett109 said...

21 feet of snow and 4 feet of ice , you'll thaw out by August!

jack69 said...

Great pictures and narrative. The mill is very nice I loved that. Not going to mention the pancakes, boy did they sounjd good. I love good pancakes with maple syrup. Thou makest it sound even better mate. Glad that spring seems to be springing in New YOrk. Take care of yourself.

Paula said...

You and Honey always eat the best food. The pictures are great.

shirl72 said...

Glad you are seeing the ground without the white stuff.

Well You have made me hungry must
go to the kitchen and find something to eat.
