Saturday, August 21, 2010

On the Road

We took our trip to Syracuse to the Stroke Center to do my first follow up visit after my stroke. I was not impressed with the Doctor, he was more concerned with my cholesterol than my questions of why I had a headache every day, why my left side always felt like it was asleep, why my left eye hurt, why I was having trouble with swollowing, WELL, after listening to him I do not think I will be traveling back down there to see him again, I will be going to a different Neuroligist, and I am going to start getting out and doing things I want to do!!
Monday I go back to Syracuse to see the Surgeon to see if I can have surgery for my Diverticulitus.
Well, we made it back out on the road again, we took our weekly "Fishing Trip". We drove up into Lewis County, took an old back dirt road and drove up to the head waters of Whetstone Gulf, nice ride, road a little rough as it is dirt and crushed stone.

We arrived in the morning and fished above the dam, the dam holds back water to an elevation of about 25 feet, and covers a large area of the Tug Hill Plateau, We enjoyed the morning sunshine and saw lots of wildlife.

I did fairly well walking about and even managed to move around without my cane for a while.



Below is the backed up flow behind the dam and it was a picture perfect day.




We enjoyed the morning sunshine and each others company, too bad the fish did not like us this morning as they were hiding!!

Honey had to put on another night crawler after getting a bite.

I am just sitting, fishing is a Jerk on one end of a string waiting for a Jerk on the other end of the string to jerk, nothing wanted to take the bait on my hook today!

I hope Jack does not forget Toto when he leaves Kansas!!!!!!!.
Well, with the "Draw Down" of troops in Iraq it is important we keep the 50,000 men and women left there in our prayers until they also can get out of there.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


As I am starting to feel better we went to a "Cook-Out" up in the Adirondack Mountains, it was a 1 & 1/2 hour ride but we stoipped so I could strech my legs and My Honey could also take some pressure off her back, The Cook-Out was being put on by my Cousin and her Husband, Barry and Linda Payment from Rochester, New York, they have a camp on Little Wolf Lake in the Adironcacks. All we had to bring was our selves.


The above picture is the Pig being cooked, there was also Snacks, Hot Dogs, Hamburgs, Chicken, Baked Beans, Salt Potatoes and Sweet Corn and all the sodas, coffe and drinks wanted!
When the Pig was done the chef made a nice chopped pulled pork with Bar B Q Sause which was very good but nothing like the pulled pork you get down in North Carolina!!!
I had to be careful with my diet so I picked at some nice pork and a few potatoes, NO CORN as I didn't want to screw up the Diverticulitus which has stayed calm.

The above picture is Barry, we went to school togeather and had not seen each other in a long long time and we figured it up it was a very long, long time Barry travels a lot and has flown all over the world the lucky bugger.

The Pavillion was brand new and nice and we filled it, I only knew a few people but all were friendly and we enjoyed ourselves.

The above picture is my Cousin Nancy on the left, and Linda on my right, I have seen Nancy at Funerals and family wakes but had not seen Linda in *43 Years. We had a lot of catching up to do.

Above is Barry and my 1st cousin Linda, we had a great time right up until I had to take a header when my cane went down in the soft sand and I took a header. It was nice to get out of the house and go some where, this Stroke really sucks!!!

Let us not forget our Service men and Women!