We sat around and played Euchre and snacked and talked, watched the temperature drop to below ZERO, played more Euchre where Penny and I lost to Marty and Anna 4 to 1!!!
At 6PM Marty and I went to the Garage an fired up the gas grill, by now it was only 7 BELOW ZERO and the temp was dropping and it was getting dark.
We huddled above and around the Gas Grill trying to keep warm while we cooked and smothered the Spare Ribs in the "Secret Reciept", Meanwhile back in the WARM house Anna Mae and Penny whipped up a huge Macaroni Salads, pork dressing and fresh toasted oven bread.
It is cold, a nasty very bitter cold, this is the kind of cold that will freeze your lips to a beer can !! Usually we don't get this kind of weather till mid February but its hjere now!!! I thought we were in a "Global Warming" trend!!!
It is interesting as we heard word from Sunny Warm Florida that during the "Cold Spell" Lake Okeechobee lost some fish due to the severe drop in water temps, My mother in law who lives in Okeechobee on a canal said there were dead fish floating in the canal behind her house. I guess it smelled pretty bad.
One nice thing about living here in Northern New York as you do not smell much when you go out side when it's below Zero because anything liquid in your nose freezes solid there by blocking any smell!!!!!
We had a good day of R & R, home and watching the thermometer keep dropping because at 9PM it is now 10 below Zero and falling!!!
As I close don't forget to remember and say a prayer for our Veterans, past and present who have and are currently serving our country!!!
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