Wednesday, September 1, 2010

On the Road

Well, Thursday the 2nd is our 21st Wedding Annv. We started out with having a huge dinner at our friends, Marty & Penny Grau's, we sat around the pool, talked, Man it was hot, everyone got into the pool but me, after this stroke cold water is very hard to adjust too among other things.
Marty and I have been friends for over 20 years, he is one of the few remaining close friends I have. We played cards and Penny and I won 2 out of 3!!! Then it was time to cook!!
We had Bratworst & steak on the grill, potatoes and salad and oven bread for dinner and it was delicious.


We look a little different than we did 21 years ago!



Would you look at that head of hair!!





Well, tomorrow we will pack the car and Friday morning we are "On the Road" and headed for Maine, we want to see Huricane Earl come up the coast line of maine, an we want to be there, Maines coast line is not like the south, it's not flat sandy beaches, Maine has ROCK LEDGES that waves like to crash and explode on!!



We were in Maine for Hurricane Juan a few years back and enjoyed the storm. We are also going to hit a few Lobster Shacks while there and enjoy ourselves.


I am feeling pretty good except for the headaches and my balance is not all that good, my teeth bother me and my left side sometimes has a mind of it's own but I am a very lucky man, God was good and is good!!

I think I might even drive the car after we get started on the trip!!!


. Don't forget our service men and women serving their country!!!!!!

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