Saturday, September 26, 2020

R & R

I am now on R & R,     Not rest and relaxation but Rest and Recouperation,  I have the start of Pneumonia, I saw my Doctor, had a cat scan of the lungs and am now on  2 heavy doses of the antibiotic Augmentin for the next 10 days !


So, I am sleeping a lot, drinking plenty of Fluids and eating carefully.  Hoping my Honey does not get it and hoping I can clear this up ASAP !


Don't forget our Veterans, Past and Present.

1 comment:

jack69 said...

HEY! Knock it off and do the RECUPERATING! Man sorry to hear this, hang in there and DRINK the right liquids ;-).
Please take care and listen to the sweet nurse you have.
Sending prayers and positive thoughts your way.
Love from Sherry & jack down in Florida!