Thursday, October 8, 2020

Cold Day & Doctor

Well, today was a cold day, started off at 32 degrees and a frost in places, lots of leaves falling off the Trees and not 25 minutes from here they have spotted a Moose, we had one in Deferiet in an abandoned concrete wood soaking pond several years ago but the Moose could not get out and did die after they roped it and pulled it out.

We had a Quiet day, Wife went up and disinfected the Church before Sundays service, She was joined by 5 other ladies who helped her get it done !


Later we went to the Doctors where My Honey had a Mole cut off and sent in for Biopsy !


I did the cooking this afternoon and with the cooler temps I decided to make Chili !    We had everything except Fresh 85-15 Hamburger so went to the store and came home and I cooked !


Dinner was delicious, good enough for 2 bowls !!!
Tomorrow Boiler Technician comes in and hope to start replacing the Boiler, we have portable Heaters and the weather is supposed to really warm up tomorrow !


1 comment:

jack69 said...

Hoping the mole finds it's way to some medical trash can from being comletely negative. I did have to laugh at the chili. Sherry planned to make chili today but announced the Chili powder was in the coach. LOL
Amazing there are moose in the area.
TAke care and try to be good.
Sherry and jack down in a hot Florida. One thing about it when you get COLD, we do get cooler.