Saturday, February 3, 2018

Winter Flu

Not much to "Blab" about on the Blog, I have been hit with the "Bug",  Cold Chills, Cough, Runny Nose, Dizzy !!  Went to Hospital, Blood work, labs, cat scan, I have RSV which is worse than the flu for us Old Foggies, , if you want to see what it is just Google (RSV or FLU) !
It is a "Lake Effect" Here is a short video of it.  Snow Storm where ya can get 2 -3 Inches snow an hour !
Oh Well, have seen a lot worse.
Winter used to be lots of fun when younger,  Here is a picture of me when I was deciding that I wanted to be a Sheriff,  Got my Roy Rogers Pistol and Holster, wish I still had it !!!.

This is when I took my Dad's 8 foot long Hickory Hand carved skis and went cross country !!!!!

Well, I am going to go take some Nyquil, and lay down !!!!
Don't forget our Vets !


jack69 said...

Rest, stay warm and get better. NO KISSING!!!!!!

(Smack the police officer if he tries, Anna Mae!) ;-)

salemslot9 said...

get well soon Woody

couldn't see video
my computer is
probably too old

photos are cool though