Tuesday, July 14, 2020


Well, I needed to get a Haircut, My hair looked like I stuck my finger in a light socket !  Kind of Wild !  It also stuck out when I woke up in the morning !
My hair sticks out like wings on a Bird !  and With my 2 procedures and operations on my Ears Thursday Morning they would have cut it away from my left ear.
I went to my Lovely Barber and had her do almost a High and Tight but her clippers were not working so I settled for a #1 hair guard, I would have liked it a little tighter but this is OK !
Deanna did a good job on the Hair.    Looks and feels better already !
Been on the Phone with the Hospital, We discussed my Procedures on my ears, the Possible problems, then we went over my Medical History and every ache and Pain I have had for the past 5 years !!!!
Well, I gotta go take my pre meds and tomorrow some tests !  
Don't Forget, Remember our Vets !

1 comment:

Susie said...

Hey, I call that chicken hair when Ted has it. LOL I cut Ted's hair myself. I use a flobee. You hook it to a vacuum cleaner. It works. We are on our 2nd one after 20 years. Glad you got all shined up. Blessings, xoxo, Susie