Saturday, July 18, 2020

Quiet Day

Well, it was a pretty quiet day,  We had a late Breakfast of Steak and Eggs from last nights Prime rib left overs.  Relaxed and and at Noon went to Watertown, My Honey needed another Covid 19 Test for her surgery on her other eye, the Right eye for Cataract !
We then went to the Drug Store to pick up my Ear Drops renewal Rx of Ciprodex Drops.  When we went in and asked for it the Clerk said it was going to be almost $400.00 for ear drops for 3 more days.    I decided I would use what few drops were left and ration them and call the Doctor Monday and see if he has a sample of them as my Insurance does not cover the cost !
I am supposed to put 10 drops in each ear 2 times a day for 7 days, my surgery was Thursday !  40 drops a day and it just runs back out onto a tissue when I sit up !
Oh well, it was a nice day, relaxed, tomorrow is supposed to be hot and temps up in the 90's so we are going back down in the Basement and Paint another wall and stay out of the heat.
Church is on the Internet on ZOOM and next week My Honey is doing the Church Service at the Getman Park outside and I am finally getting to play the music for her service and do 4 Hymns !
Everyone stay Healthy and cool !
Don't forget our Veterans !


jack69 said...

WOW, med costs are thru the roof! Sounds good to get to the park and play and sing. There is something nice about outside singing and a guitar. It always reminds me oa a weather deck in good weather and some sailor picking and singing. But then some of the songs could sure make one homesick. LOL
I love steak and eggs using the left over steak, it has been awhile. Gotta fix that.
LOve from down here.
Sherry & jack

NanaDiana said...

Medicine prices are horrible. Hope you can get some samples. I think there are a lot of people that do without the meds they need because insurance doesn't cover them. Sad. Hope you and your wife have a great week. Diana