Thursday, October 1, 2020


 We currently live at 33 Wilna Avenue, way back we used to live at 31 Wilna Avenue, Houses were side by side, 1 green, 1 white,  they are 1 story "Mill Houses",  Lots are 55 X 150, our side of the street has a meadow behind it, other side has lots of wooded area!


This is 31 where we used to live, nice little house, garage and we enjoyed living here, I had a nice Garage I turned into a craft shop.
I was asked to make a Marine for a Friend who lost her Husband and was a Veteran, He was also a friend who I knew.
I enjoyed making these minature Military figures, I made sets of 5 for the Local VFW and American Legion, I made them for some people who took them to gravesites of family and friends.
My work bench at 31 Wilna Avenue. There are still these Wooden Figures around Carthage, Deferiet, and other places where people take them in in the Fall and put them back out in the sprink and there are many in Cemetaries !   I have been asked to start remaking them but don't know if I will ,  I have repaired and painted a couple Sailors since we moved back.
Our first winter at 31 Wilna, Yup, 3 feet of snow, I could shovel and run Snow Blower back then but was starting to have some issues and health problems !
I could really move snow and shovel back then !
This was part of our Back yard, a large Garden we loved to work in !
This is the property line between our Old house and where we live now, behind My Honey is Neighbors Garden on right side of picture !  His Boat also !
This is my neighbors Garden, Boat and Trailor and looking over towards the Shut Down Champion/St. Regis paper mill that put over 600 people out of work.  
This was just before I went into the Hospital where I had Heart Issues and than a Stroke which led us to sell the House as I could not take care of it anymore and we moved into Senior Citizen Housing for 12 years, We stayed there 5 years longer than we should have !
We are glad to be back in Deferiet !


1 comment:

jack69 said...

We think that is so great that you guys could move right back to nearly the same spot. You will never know how many time my girl has said she wished she could have bought one of the mill houses locally in Belmont, for us to live in.
I remember seeing some of your figurines, great work.
Take cre and Do not head for Sickbay again 'cept for a check up. LOL

Love you guys,
Sherry & jack
PS: Yep we all could do more a few years ago. I have just had to give up my idea of fixing the motor home, my head ain't acting right. LOL