Thursday, December 17, 2020

Busy Place

 Well, we got out Snow, We got a dusting of Snow, maybe an inch or so, not much compared to central New York and down State that got Hammered with FEET of Snow !


The Village of Deferiet Plowing our Street, they must be practicing as this is their 3rd trip down our little street in the past hour, might be training a new driver !!!!
Cat has not tore down much of the Christmas Tree so we feel blessed, just tore off some garland so far !!!

The Carthage Area Rescue Squad and Deferiet Fire Department responding to our Street this Morning to assist and transport someone to Carthage Area Hospital, Prayers they are OK !
This afternoon about 4PM directly behind these woods is Anderson Avenue and they had a major Fire where a Large detached Garage caught fire, we could see the smoke and hear the popping and cracking of the Fire and sounded like some Ammo going off that might have been stored in the Garage !
Well it is time for the News so need to see what is happening !

1 comment:

jack69 said...

WOW your report amazed us, we just knew you and Anna Mae were under xxfeet of snow. Glad the bullet missed you this time. I guess y'all will enjoy it while you can.
Love from a cool Florida
Sherry & jack