Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Weather Changing

 As I sit here this morning  I look out at Green Grass, Christmas decorations and "No Snow", I am not Bragging,  we had Temps in the high 40's an at night in the 30 it has not been bad but it appears we have a winter storm coming in bringing already cold Temps,  it is 18 degrees right now !!!


I read Jacks Blog over on "Shipslog";  Shipslog (shipslog-jack.blogspot.com)  about our Earliest Memories.


I went to a Country School, I had to walk probably a 1/4 of a mile from our House, down a flat strech of dirt road, up a hill and there was School.  Grades 1 K thru 8th Grade !   Single Room, Large Round Oak Wood Stove in middle, wooden bench seating, Grades set together, 1 Teacher, no running water, Outhouse out back for relief, a huge Wood Shed attached to the School in Pond Settlement.


I am # 14,  Mostly Cousins, a sister  #9  and 1 brother # 20.
Above is Pond Settlement School,  After the School closed my sister and brother in law bought it and remodeled  it into a nice little home !

I remember being dressed for school, Kindergarten, I had on Shoes, and Short Pants and Suspenders, I refused to wear them to school as neighbors had on Pants an belts.   I got spanked and marched to school and pretty much wore what I was told to.
Hand Me Downs from older Brothers were common attire if one didn't want to go Naked !  LOL !
My Brothers,   Roland, John(rip),  Ronnie, Jim, Donny (rip) Me.
My next memory is Skiing and I remember I liked it, the old Ski's that just had a toe strap.
I Loved to Ski, The Ski's I have on were hand made handmade ones !  I am standing in Ski's on Jones Pond where we swam in the summer and Fished.
Oh Sweet Memories !!!!!



1 comment:

jack69 said...

WE LOVE the pictures. Amazing the history these hold. It is amazing that someone took the time to save that part of your history. I ALWAYS wished for a one room school house, yep I have always been a little short of a full load. I just thought it would be fun to be in school with bigger kids, I mighta learned more. Glad you have a break in the weather, we are still down more than normal, but you know Florida and our weather pretty well. LOL
Be safe.
Love from down here.

Nice spam above to a policeman? OUCH!