Thursday, January 28, 2021

Memories Camp

Well, it's 9 degrees above Zero and temps are dropping,  I have to stay out of the bitter cold as it is not good for Heart Patients so I been inside.


I have been sorting thru some pictures and came across the pictures of my old Camp I had.


This was Camp Adirondack,  My Son Jonathan and I built it back in the 70's on a piece of land I bought off a fella up in Barnes Corners,  The lot was 100W X 200D an covered in Spruce Trees.  We cut the Trees down built the Platform 10 wide by 14 deep, the side addition was 8feet by 4 feet,  The side was an Indoor Out House, Inside was 1 open room and on the back was an addition that was 8 feet wide by 12 feet long which was the bedroom, Beds were buitl inside the camp,  I found a Ben Franklin Stove for heat and cooking and used it all fall, sometimes in winter and spring !
We really enjoyed using the Camp,  We stayed there a lot in the late summer, fall and some winter weekends.   We cut and hauled a lot of brush and spruce wood to burn and cleared the lot out,  
and made it more open for sunlight and air !
We had 2 burn pits, 1 for brush and 1 for cooking, I am standing behind the 1 for cooking,  Pictures are kind of old and blurred, got to find some of the ones from inside the camp !
We would go up in the Winter and shovel off the rood as the Pitch was only slight just to allow no pooling of water.  It was not uncommon to get a snowfall of 2 feet of snow and then get another snowfall of a foot of snow,   I always propped up the inside with 4 x 4 posts to support the roof during winter ! 
Time to listen to a little Music with the Head Phones an stay warm !

1 comment:

jack69 said...

I like this post, and I know I would have loved the camp. Sounds like a great get away. It also sounds like the WW2 GI's coming home and buying a little acreage with trees and starting the building boom after the war.
It is not hard to notice HAIR on the young policeman's head. hahaha.
Love to you guys, and Yep, those temps say STAY INSIDE!!!!
Sherry & jack in North Carolina and out temp is reading 28, too cold for a snowbird....