Monday, January 25, 2021

Home Bound

 Well, we were allowed to "Shower" this morning after we removed the Pressure Bandage and then covered it with an antibiotic and a band aide, shower sure felt good !!


A earlier Picture of a Trip to St Joe's when the Grass was Green and the air was warm !
This was my view from my area in the Hospital, Hospital was full and Patients were placed in Hallways with Curtains.  It was either this or stay home, Most Hospitals up here are Full !  I was lucky to get in and have my surgical procedure done !

Hard to believe that thru this small hole in my wrist they can go up thru my arm, around my shoulder, across my chest and into my Heart and while inside my heart can move around to any spot they want to check with precision and not damage the heart or veins,  They checked all my Stents, both heart chanbers and ventricules.
So, We can't go outside due to the Cold weather causing issues with breathing and Heart conditions so we watched the going on outside.
We do have a lot of Snow to Start off Mid Winter, so we need to get some off the roofs !
My Roof is done but the Neighbor Hired a man to come with a "Snow Rake" to pull the excess snow off her roof !

This Ice next door is caused by a loss of Heat and lack of Insulation inside the attic or crawlspace !
Well, it's time for my afternoon Nap !

1 comment:

jack69 said...

YES that is amazing they are able to move thru an artery and do all that stuff. It is hard to imagine to the neophyte. Also hard to see how everyone up there deals with the snow and temps. BUT stay warm and when you can hug the pretty nurse.
Love from down here and prayers.
Sherry & jack