Thursday, February 11, 2021

Memory Lakeport Fl

 While sitting here quietly looking at Pictures after getting my second Covid - 19 Shot today I find these ones I must have missed seeing for some time now. When we were "Snobirding" we would set up a Base Camp and travel around !   We sure have seen a lot of Florida and some other States.


In 2012 We traveled from Okeechobee down to Lakeport for the Sour Orange Festival !  Awesome place and nice scenery on the way down !
Oranges are when you break one open and bite into it "Sweet",  Well you Bite into one of these Oranges in Lakeport be prepared for an awful "Sour" taste !    Yes they are Sour Oranges.    Each Tree we saw had a Plastic Tag on it and was Numbered.
There were a lot of People there and this is the back of the stage where they were "Cloggers" and great Hoedown Music !
These "Cloggers could really move and we enjoyed the show !
They had buildings full of History on Lakeport and the area and a History of the Sour Oranges !
I found this Beauty parked over under the Shade, The man drove it down from Kentucky and didn't want to be in the Photo !
We ate BBQ Ribs, Coleslaw, Salt Potatoes and Hush Puppies and it was delicious !    AND desert was??????  Yup,  Sour Orange Pie and was it good !!!!

I made a beeline for the Booth that was selling Pies and I was lucky as I bought the Last Sour Orange Pie they had, they had other pies but I wanted to take this back with us !
It was February and was a little cool, must have been in the low 70's !!!!!!  we did enjoy our adventure !!!!

1 comment:

jack69 said...

And you just had to put FOOD in there!!! Looks good. NOW about them sour Oranges. The first one I mistakenly tasted I thought I had somehow got a lemon. Then I thought it must be an uncared for orange tree that had made the oranges sour. Then I leaned while camping on the 'Peace' that the sour orange was actually a strain of oranges.
I had nearly forgotten about them.
We are missing Florida and have decided (I think) to drive back down to Leesburg for the rest of the winter.
Hugs to you guys,
Sherry & jack in a cold rainy NC