Friday, July 2, 2021


Well, with all this Heat we been watering the Garden and Flowers a lot and it helped.  


Sweet 100 Tomatoes are now over 2 feet tall, Blossomed out and producing nicely !
These are the small Sweet 100 Grape size Tomatoes, the Zen Grape side are starting, the above tomatoes are the side of a dime !
Koosa Blossom and a small Koosa !
We have 3 KOOSA Hills planted and it looks good for a Feast.  We wait till them get just right size, cut them, hollow them out and stuff them with, Lamb, Rice, Tomatoe, Spices and cook them in a kettle and serve with Marook Bread an Mishi !
I am happy my Morning Glories are growing, they have climbed up to 2 feet plus tall and I have 5 leaders on them reaching up towards the sky !
Looking from the Back of the Garage you can see the water left over from Cleaning out the Garage floor, I hosed all last winters road salt and dirt out the door and scooped it up into pails to get rid of !
We have been Blessed and been allowed back into the Nursing Homes to Play and Entertain which is what we have been waiting for !
Mark and I had a Great afternoon yesterday entertaining the residents and them with a Mask on mingling, hugging and talking with the residents, so sad we lost so many Familiar Faces over the past year and a half that we used to see and interact with, just sad !


1 comment:

jack69 said...

WOW on the garden (we did get three tomatoes this week!) You guys will be loaded.
I know those folks loved the picking and singing, what a great ministry for folks who cannot get out.
From NC
Take care, Sherry & jack awaiting time to roll in the coach..