Saturday, March 16, 2019

Luck Oh The Irish!

I always thought I was Native American, I sent in my DNA and came back I am from Europe, Irish, Welch and was I surprised.
SO; for tomorrow we did a "Corned Beef Brisket an Cabbage" for dinner ! Corned beef comes from the brisket and silverside of the cow, below the shoulder,  
I started out putting the Corned Beef in 3 cups water, simmered it for 2 hours, I added Onions, carrots, cooked for an hour, then added potatoes and then added a head of cabbage !
Have had this "Old Pot" for a long time and cooked a lot of food in it !
After everything was cooked, seasoned, and simmered it was time to test the Pot !
The main dish not only looked good...……...
But it tasted delicious...…………………..
The Best part is the longer it sits in it's own juices the better it will taste.  So Tomorrow we will again have our "St. Paddy's Day Feast" !
Don't forget our Veterans !



jack69 said...

sounds and looks great my friend. Happy St. Patty's day up in the cool North. We know you will enjoy the meal tomorrow also. GOOD stuff.
Love sent from a nice day here in North Carolina!

salemslot9 said...

happy st. catrick's day
thanks for sharing your
special dinner with us
we made corned beef & cabbage
in the slow cooker today
delicious :)