Saturday, July 25, 2020


When we went fishing I caught my line on a rock and the tip of my fish pole came off when the line broke,  not wanting to lose it so I took my sneakers off and walked out into the knee deep river and the rocks were slippery and I reached the pole.   I got back on the shore, sat down and put pole together and rigged it back up.     
I looked down and there was a small puddle of Blood under my foot, looking I saw some Blood on my right big toe,  I grabbed a clean Paper towel and wrapped my toe, put my sock and sneaker on and we went home to fix my toe !  I didn't feel anything sharp or pressure on my foot while in the water but figure it was a sharp edged rock or a shard of glass that cut it.
Unwrapped my Toe and cleaned it up and got it ready to wrap  From looking at it I think it was cut by a jagged sharp edged rock when my foot slipped and slid around on the slippery rocks!
I probably should have gone to the ER for stitches because when I put the Iodine on it "Man o Man" did that sucker smart.  I am a firm believer in Iodine on cuts, My Father was also,  I was lucky I found a bottle in an Old First aid kit and another bottle in Car Travel kit at a Garage Sale.
After 2 days this spot developed on top of my toe.  Think it is from rubbing on my shoe !  I know from now on I will wear old sneakers when I get in the River,  Thankfully the river was down as they are working on a Dam upstream and water was fairly calm !
My Honey has tried to Help me keeping it clean with Peroxide bt with her Cataract Surgery I am doing it myself as she does not have to bend or strain!  It is a sucker to walk on but feels like it is healing !
Everyone stay safe and Healthy.
Don't forget, Remember our Vets !

1 comment:

jack69 said...

yoU DON'T KNOW HOW IMPORTANT the toes are until it hurts to put weight o them . OUCH I think itwill heal ok without stitches, but you gonna have to be real careful when the Nurse also has problems. LOL LOve you guys
Sherry & jack. (You OLD people gotta start staying out of trouble!!!!) hahahahaha