Sunday, November 22, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
My Dad
My father was a family man, he raised 6 boys and 2 girls who all went on to raise families of their own and Dad was a proud and excited "Grand Father" and we all made sure we made treks home with each and every Grandchild to meet "Gramps".
I was only 35 years old when my father passed away, it was a very hard time for me and a hard thing to accept and sometimes it still is, I have a son and daughter, granddaughter and grandson but I think as the generations come the closeness somehow fades, at least in my family.
I would have loved to have the relationship with my son that I had with my father and also my grandfather, both great men in my eyes, at least my father got to see me live my dream of becoming a Policeman, and I have the memories of going home and sitting with my dad and just talking and visiting about anything and everything.
I am still kind of angry that I did not have more time with him but that was not my call, I think God wanted someone interesting to talk to and add to his flock so he called him home!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
I ate something that attacked me, after the nurse stabbed me 3 times to get an IV into my right arm she quit, then the male nurse came in and after stabbing me 2 times in my left arm he got a 16 inch needle about as big around as my thumb into a vein in my arm, started a dose of heavy duty antibiotics and then the Doctor came in, touched my abdomen and stomach at which point I YELLED....(OUCH).
He then gave me a shot of Demerol *(Happy Juice) and I felt like I drank a quart of Whiskey, Anna Mae said I was acting LOOPY!!!
After 8 hours in the ER, pumped full of anti-biotics, put on some pain killers my Honey brought me home!!
Bed rest and Pills, more pills, and more pain killer pills, NO FOOD!!!! Chicken Broth, Tea, Apple Sauce, jell'o, milk toast, and GRITS and I have used 25 rolls of toilet paper!!
Nice thing if you can call it that is I have lost about 12 pounds!!!!!!
I see the Doctor tomorrow at 2PM, hopefully everything is going OK and I can EAT FOOD!!!!!!!
AND we can leave for Florida for thanksgiving on Tuesday, we have tickets for the Auto-Train from Lorton, VA to Sanford, Florida on Tuesday at 4PM!!!!!
Sure hope I can hear that Conductor yell "ALL ABOARD"!!!!!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Holiday Time
It was nice as our float "Sign" said "Jesus was the Joy of the Season", thankfully they did not have restrictions on signs with the word "Jesus" printed or written on them, BUT I did not see any crosses because I think there was someone from the A.C.L.U. there looking for them.
As with any parade there was a lot of candy, gum, suckers, thrown from the floats, fire trucks, car dealerships and business floats in the parade, I am glad I am big because I managed to get my 8 pieces of bubble gum by snatching it out of the air above the heads of the little buggers trying to hog it all for themselves!!!
The last float was "Santa" which all the little "urchins" were waiting for and he was well received by the "young-uns"!!!
Our day started yesterday as we spend Friday sitting up the church and dining room and getting craft tables, knitted goods, Bake Sale, and things ready for this morning.
We got to church at 6:30AM, made a pot of good strong "NAVY COFFEE" and Dan and I started cooking sausage and making urns of coffee for the morning.
Dan and I finished cooking all the breakfast sausage and started cooking Pancakes!! We use the cheap pancake mix and then doctor it up with fresh whole milk, eggs, touch of this, dab of that and Of course we had to sample a sausage wrapped in a pancake dipped in fresh New York State Maple Syrup and savored with some Navy Coffee!! YES!! they were delicious!!!! "YES" those are bags under my eyes!!!!!
Anna Mae, Marty and Ginny, Marty just got done working a 11PM to 7 AM shift at the paper mill and showed up to start another shift helping his honey cook homemade home fries and cooking scrambled eggs!!
Above Anna Mae, Ginny and Sandy getting the Homemade "Home Fries" and "Scrambled Eggs" ready and sitting up the coffee table!
Some of our people above enjoying Orange Juice, Coffee, Pancakes, Homefries, Eggs and Pancakes at our "All you can eat" breakfast for $6.00 and we went thru lots of pancakes and sausage, and the pictures on the table are real homemade Maple Syrup, right now it is about $45.00 a gallon, thankfully one of our long time church members once again donated it, *(Thanks Richard)!!!
There was no "Fat" or "Calories" in our fried dough because it was cooked in "CRISCO!!!
Marty just didn't get enuff work after working all night and cooking eggs and homefries this morning, so he finished his second shift about 1PM this afternoon making sure the floors were clean for church tomorrow morning!!!!!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veteran"s Day arrived, we met at the Legion at 9:30 AM for Coffee and Doughnuts, we got flags, rifles, ammo together, Color Guard assembled and we "Marched Off" at 10:45AM for the 10 minute march to our Monument, we met the VFW at Monument Park for our 11AM Service.
While attempting to get the above photo of some of our "Sailors" we were attacked from the rear by the United States Army and and savagely and viciously grabbed by the neck to mess up the near perfect picture!! Lucky he had his cover on or his "Bald Head" would have caused some camera glare and ruined the picture more then he did!!!
Above photo of our (Army) Honor/Color Guard while missing one who had to work on Fort Drum today was filled by one of our Sailors, Thanks Richard!!
The program, prayers and readings were done by Navy Veteran and Post Adjutant Mastin, Army Veteran Tallman, Navy Veteran and Post Commander Miner, Auxiliary President Mandy, Army Veteran Kuhar, and Navy Veteran Chief Genter. They did a nice job and was well received by the crowd.
These 3 above are some of our "Vietnam Veterans", the other Nam Vets there declined the photo op!!
Above is part of the Crowd and Veterans assembled.
The Crowd enjoyed the Balmy 50 degree temps and the sunshine, last year it was cold, windy and Snow covered.
The "Navy" finished the program with "Honors" and laying a Wreath at our Legion Post done by these 4 Sailor's.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
I N D I A N S U M M E R ???
One thing they say about living in New York, if you don't like the weather, just wait a day and it will change, well it sure has changed here, Today was a beautiful day, sunshine, warm breeze, and nice being outside, almost like "Indian Summer", would have grilled out but all our cooking grills are put away for the winter.
We had out start of winter, SO, we have purchased out tickets for the Auto-Train from Lorton, Virginia to Sanford Florida, we leave the 24th for Florida, we put the car on the train and we sit back and enjoy the ride, take naps and arrive in florida relaxed, plans call for going to the Beach, Fishing and Thanksgiving with Anna Mae's family in Lake Okeechobee and I want to make a trip down the coast to the Keys.
I Love the Ocean, the Beach, the waves and really like a nice heavy pounding surf hitting shore!!!!!
The trip Home is planned with a trip up into Newton North Carolina and across to the Outer Banks then a nice drive home so we are home for Christmas.
Today I stood around in a T-Shirt this afternoon in the sun like this summer picture taken earlier!!!!
Then 2 days ago I stood outside in Flannel Lined Pants, fleece lined jacket at 28 degrees and cold!!!
We had our first SNOW and there's always the scraping and cleaning of the car before traveling and my Honey always makes sure I can see before I drive!!
We need to keep our service men and women in our prayers from the tragic events at Fort Hood Texas!

We must continue to keep all our Military in our thoughts and prayers!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Staying busy
We have been busy here, the Housing Authority provided us with fresh CIDER and CIDER DOUGHNUTS and we spent a Tuesday Morning decorating "Home-made" sugar cookies, drinking cider and enjoying the morning, we had a nice group in attendance!!
The "Sugar Cookies were fun to decorate, we did it last year and this year I tried not to make a "Hog" of myself and see how many of them I could eat!!!
These 2 tried to hide and scare the little buggers as they came to the door!!!
We treated almost 100 little ones to candy Halloween night!!
As President of the Tenant's Association one pleasent job is I get to pass out the candy and greet the little ones!!
We took time out from our Cookie Decorating to get a group photo of some of out neighbors who live here!! Stupid Computer loads the Pictures out of order, I know it's the computer and not the operator!!
We had a "Community Work-Day" at church last Friday, we stayed in the kitchen and cooked Chicken and Biscuits for about 30 "volunteers" who went out in the community and painted the local food pantry storage room, worked at several local charties and had a "Give-Away"!!
This group spent all morning at the "Farmers Market" with a free give away of very nice, almost new donated items ranging from televisions, dishes, clothes, knick knacks, towels, blankets and what have you and it was a success, it was well advertised and the items given away were sought after by many people and there was very little left to take to the "Good-Will" store. They were brave sould as it was windy, rainy and cold but that did not stop all the people coming and I brought them fresh hot Coffee to keep them warm!!!!!
After spending the day on all our projects we all gathered for home-made Fresh Biscuits with Chicken and Gravy for a late lunch!!
I close this with a sad note, for the past several days we have been back and forth to the hospital visiting friends, and praying for My Doctor who was in intensive care for days, Dr. Frank, who was a Major in the Army and a very close friend who went into private practice years ago has passed away, he was only 51!!!
My wife was his Office Manager for years before she retired. We camped with them, spent Christmas visiting them, office parties, birthday parties, cook-outs, graduation parties, we watched his 2 daughters grow up, saw him become a proud grandpa, he was adored by his medical staff and clerical staff, well respected in the community and also at the Hospital and American Legion, he leaves a wonderful wife, 2 daughters, a grand-daughter, his parents and a brother and sister and hundred's and hundred's of patients from this area who he saw and cared for, Frank, you will be greatly and sadly missed and will leave a big void in our little community and a big ole empty place in my heart!! !